Welcome to Open Access Week 2010!

Entre els proppassats 18 al 24 d'octubre de 2010 es va cel.lebrar la quarta Open Access Week, sota l'eslogan "Learn-Share-Advance".

L' Open Access Week és un esdeveniment global que ofereix la oportunitat a la comunitat acadèmica investigadora de continuar avançant sobre el coneixement dels beneficis que aporta l'Open Access.

Ahir 7 de desembre de 2010 es va cel.lebrar a la ciutat danesa de Copenhagen la Conferència : "The Open Access Paradigm : What ? Where ? When ? Why ? How ?

Organitzat per la  

En aquesta trobada, i davant la propera adopció a nivell mundial dels "open access self-archiving mandates" es considera prioritari pensar com han de ser formulades aquestes normes per tal d'optimitzar-les.

Considero la lectura d'aquest enllaç força aconsellable donat que intenta posar les bases d'una homogenització de l'open access a nivell mundial :
What to mandate: The primary target content is the author's final, peer-reviewed draft ("postprint") of all journal articles accepted for publication.
Why to mandate self-archiving: The purpose of mandating OA self-archiving is to maximize research usage and impact by maximizing user access to research findings.
Where to self-archive: The optimal locus for self-archiving is the author's own OAI-compliant Institutional Repository (IR). (It is highly inadvisable to mandate direct deposit in a Central Repository (CR) -- whether discipline-based, funder-based, multidisciplinary or national. The right way to get OA content into CRs is to harvest it from the IRs (via the OAI protocol).)
When to self-archive: The author's final, peer-reviewed draft (postprint) should be deposited in the author's IR immediately upon acceptance for publication. (The deposit must be immediate; any allowable delay or embargo should apply only to the access-setting, i.e., whether access to the deposited article is immediately set to Open Access or provisionally set to Closed Access, in which only the author can access the deposited text; in either case, the article's metadata are immediately accessible webwide, allowing users to request eprint copies by email from the author immediately and semi-automatically during any embargo period).
How to self-archive: Depositing a postprint in an author's IR and keying in its metadata (author, title, journal, date, etc.) takes less than 10 minutes per paper. Deposit analyses comparing mandated and unmandated self-archiving rates have shown that mandates (and only mandates) work, with self-archiving approaching 100% of annual institutional research output within a few years. Without a mandate, IR content just hovers for years at the spontaneous 15% self-archiving rate.

Esther Asso
Grup ´"La Síndrome d'Stallman"

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